Shelest, BorysMartovytskyi, DmytroMelenevych, AnastasiiaMolotyagin, Dmytro2023-01-032023-01-032022-12Radiation damage. The concept of radiation injury, medical care at the stages of medical evacuation. Acute radiation sickness. Stage treatment of patients with acute radiation sickness. Atypical forms of radiation sickness : methodical instructions for the 5th year students to the practical class / comp.: B. Shelest, D. Martovytskyi, A. Melenevych, D. Molotyagin. – Kharkiv : KhNMU, 2022. – 16 p.Затверджено Вченою радою ХНМУ Протокол № 10 від 21.12.2022.Knowledge of the effects of ionizing radiation on humans, measures to protect against them, and treatment of victims is the best antidote to fear. It is important to imagine the point where radiation becomes really life threatening. The urgency of the problem is connected not only with the adverse effects of radioactive radiation on the body of professionals who are systematically exposed to additional radiation in the course of work, but also with the study of the consequences of radioactive contamination of the area. The area of radionuclide contamination is quite large as a result of the Chernobyl explosion. In addition, there are cases of safety violations when working with radioactive substances, which leads to pathological changes in the civilian population.enionizing radiationradiation damageМР2022/2022Radiation damage. The concept of radiation injury, medical care at the stages of medical evacuation. Acute radiation sickness. Stage treatment of patients with acute radiation sickness. Atypical forms of radiation sickness : methodical instructions for the 5th year students to the practical classGuidelines