Myroshnychenko, MykhailoLazurenko, ViktoriyaKapustnyk, NataliiaPasiyeshvili, NanaMarkovskyi, VolodymyrMishyna, Maryna2023-09-262023-09-262023Scientific research in higher medical education institutions through the prism of war: ethical dimension / M. Myroshnychenko, V. Lazurenko, N. Kapustnyk, N. Pasiyeshvili, V. Markovskyi, M. Mishyna // Facing disruption challenges to bioethics human rights and democracy : Annual Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 14–16 September 2023 / European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics. – Warsaw, 2023. – P. 63.аScientific research in higher medical education institutions through the prism of war: ethical dimensionThesis