Martovytskyi, DmytroMelenevych, AnastasiiaMolotyagin, Dmytro2023-01-022023-01-022022-12Diseases of internal organs in combat surgical trauma and injuries in catastrophes and accidents in peacetime. Diseases caused by exposure to thermal factors (heat and cold) : methodical instructions for the 5th year students to the practical class / comp.: D. Martovytskyi, A. Melenevych, D. Molotyagin. – Kharkiv : KhNMU, 2022. – 20 p.Затверджено Вченою радою ХНМУ Протокол № 10 від 21.12.2022.The evolution of firearms has a peculiar phasing, inevitably associated with the views and techniques of treating gunshot wounds. The invention of cartridges, multiply charged automatic weapons, pointed cartridges, bullets that easily unfold or flatten in the human body (which are prohibited by the III Declaration of the Hague Convention of 1899), leaving no chance for the enemy, led to the emergence of such a science as wound ballistics. Frostbite is considered a frequent companion of wars, sometimes it has the character of an epidemic and occupies a significant share in the structure of sanitary losses. Mostly the fingers of the upper and lower extremities, ears, nose, and sometimes the external genitalia are frozen. According to military and peacetime statistics, frostbite of the lower extremities predominates. Hyperthermia is a pathological condition of the body that occurs as a result of a violation of thermoregulation and / or the action of external heat.encombat surgical traumaburnsfrostbiteМР2022/2022Diseases of internal organs in combat surgical trauma and injuries in catastrophes and accidents in peacetime. Diseases caused by exposure to thermal factors (heat and cold)Guidelines