Shevchenko, OlgaMatvyeyeva, SvitlanaButov, DmytroChoporova, Oleksandra2016-11-012016-11-012016-09Methodical recommendation for the student’s self work. Topic “Pneumothorax. History. Epidemiology. Definition. Classification. Diagnosis. Management. Treatment.Pleurodes and surgery. Prevention. Pneumothorax in animals” : Educative discipline «Current Problems of Phthisiology and Pulmonology»‖for students of 5 course of 6th medical faculty / composed by: O. C. Shevchenko, S. L. Matveyeva, D. A. Butov, A. I. Choporova ; Ministry of health care of Ukraine, Kharkiv national medical university. – Kharkiv, 2016. – 27 с. present in patients in a variety of ways, as acute emergencies in trauma in prehospital settings or as subacute presentations in hospitals. Tension pneumothorax is particularly a fatal complication which can result in cardiovascular collapse and death.enpneumothoraxdiagnosismanagementtreatmentMethodical recommendation for the student’s self work. Topic “Pneumothorax. History. Epidemiology. Definition. Classification. Diagnosis. Management. Treatment.Pleurodes and surgery. Prevention. Pneumothorax in animals”Guidelines