Afendikova, AnastaciaBolzhelarska, AnastaciaButko, Yaroslava2018-12-062018-12-062018-04-18Afendikova A. V. The possibility of elaboration for pharmacological correction of wounds / A. V. Afendikova, A. E. Bolzhelarska, Ya. O. Butko // Topical issues of new drugs development : XXV International Scientific and practical conference of young scientists and student, Kharkiv, 18ꟷ20 April 2018 : thesis / National University of Pharmacy. – Kharkiv : NUPh, 2018. – P. 256ꟷ257. problem of healing of sores process (purulent, gunshots wound, decubitus ulcer, trophic ulcer etc.) is characterised by one or another measure of expression deviations of stereotype dynamics inflammatory and reparative processes, is still one of the most important in surgery of peaceful and particularly wartime.enwoundspharmacologicalcorrectionThe possibility of elaboration for pharmacological correction of woundThesis