Бутова, Татьяна СергеевнаButova, TetianaZaitseva, S.Stepanenko, G.Butov, Dmytro2017-09-282017-09-282017Morphological changes in experimental tuberculosis resulting from treatment with quercetin and polyvinylpyrrolidone / T. S. Butova, S. I. Zaitseva, D. O. Butov, G. L. Stepanenko // 2nd Asian-African Congress of Mycobacteriology : materials of congress, Iran, 25–28 February 2017. – Ispahan, 2017. – P. 103–104.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17464Aims and objectives. Morphological study of tissue necrosis stages in experimental organpreserving tuberculosis pharmacotherapy using Quercetin and Polyvinylpyrrolidone (QP).enepithelioid cellular granulomaexperimental modelmorphological changespolyvinylpyrrolidonequercetintreatment of tuberculosisMorphological changes in experimental tuberculosis resulting from treatment with quercetin and polyvinylpyrrolidoneThesis