Zorenko, YevgeniyaSingh, Rhea2021-11-122021-11-122021-10Zorenko Ye. Staining with bromophenol blue as method for studying the neuropil protein of cerebral hemispheres in rats with experimental Alzheimer's type dementia / Ye. Zorenko, R. Singh // ISIC-2021 : [International Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference for medical students and young scientists, Kharkiv, 20–21 October, 2021] : abstract book / KNMU. – Kharkiv, 2021. – P. 34–35.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/29639enStaining with bromophenol blue as method for studying the neuropil protein of cerebral hemispheres in rats with experimental Alzheimer's type dementiaThesis