Batyuk, LiliyaKizilova, NataliyaBerest, VladimirMuraveinik, OksanaGatash, Sergey2021-06-142021-06-142020-07-20Study of the dielectric properties of erythrocyte hemoglobin in patients with lung cancer before and after radiation therapy / L. Batyuk, N. Kizilova, V. Berest, O. Muraveinik, S. Gatash // Eight International conference on Radiation in Various Fields of Research, July 20–24, 2020, Montenegro : Book of Abstracts. – Montenegro, 2021. – P. 22.978-86-901150-1-3 this paper the hemoglobin as reducing agents in biological systems of cells in maintaining the redox potential of the cell and overcoming oxidative stress during radiation exposure to the body during the treatment of the tumor was descripted.enhemoglobincancerradiation therapythe temperatureStudy of the dielectric properties of erythrocyte hemoglobin in patients with lung cancer before and after radiation therapyThesis