Viun, TetianaВ'юн, Тетяна ІванівнаHlushko, SvitlanaГлушко, Світлана МиколаївнаSloz, DianaСльоз, Діана Володимирівна2023-11-232023-11-232023-11-06Viun T. Endothelial dysfunction as a factor in the development of renal dysfunction in patients with hypothyroidism / Т. Viun, S. Hlushko, D. Sloz // Modern problems of science, education and society : Proceedings of IX International Scientific and Practical Conference, Kyiv, Ukraine, 6─8 November 2023 / – Kyiv, 2023. – P. 111─115. dysfunction as a factor in the development of renal dysfunction in patients with hypothyroidismenendothelial dysfunctionrenal dysfunctionhypothyroidismendothelium2023аEndothelial dysfunction as a factor in the development of renal dysfunction in patients with hypothyroidismArticle