Vovk, OlegLutenko, MihailBondareva, Y.2019-11-282019-11-282019-10-02Vovk O. Yu. Morphometric features of rat's brain stems' artery / O. Yu. Vovk, M. A. Lutenko, Y. A. Bondareva // Матеріали VII конгресу наукового товариства анатомів, гістологів та ембріологів, топографоанатомів України, Одеса, 2‒4 жовтня 2019 р. ‒ Одеса, 2019. ‒ С. 164‒165.978-617-7829-12-5https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/25032The vast amount of information that is accumulated in the development of biology and medicine, suggests that morphology remains a basic science. The fundamental problems of biology, physiology, and practical medicine are solved on the basis of morphological data. The study and establishment of brain stem arterial relations of human and some laboratory animals is an urgent medical and biological problem.enbrain stemratanatomyMorphometric features of rat's brain stems' arteryThesis