Marakushyn, DmytroIsaieva, InnaKarmazina, Iryna2020-11-152020-11-152020-05Marakushin D. Features of heart rate variability in young people with arterial hypotension / D.Marakushin, I. Isaieva, I. Karmazina // KhIASM-2020 : [Kharkiv international annual scientific meeting] Conference for medical students and young scientists, Kharkiv, 22 Мау, 2020] : abstract book / KNMU. – Kharkiv, 2020. – P. 11–13. of heart rate variability allows estimating an autonomic nervous system tone, and has a well- established role as a marker of cardiovascular risk (Cygankiewicz I., Zareba W., 2013). According to the latest data the cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death in the world, where ischemic heart disease and stroke are the world’s biggest killers and they have remained the leading causes of death in the last 15 years (Emery C.F., Stoney C.M., Thayer J.F., Williams D., Bodine A., 2018). Among all possible risk factors of cardiovascular disease development the following have the greatest significance such as older age, positive family history, high cholesterol, smoking, low physical activity, poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption, and stress (Mozaffarian D., Benjamin E.J., Go A.S. et al.; 2016; Thayer J.F., Yamamoto S.S., Brosschot J.F., 2010).enarterial hypertensionyoung peopleFeatures of heart rate variability in young people with arterial hypotensionArticle