Batyuk, LiliyaZhernovnykova, Oksana2023-08-102023-08-102023-01-17Batyuk L. V. The National Qualifications Framework In The German Higher Education System / L. Batyuk, O. A. Zhernovnykova // Педагогіка сучасності: виклики і перспективи цифрової доби : збірник наукових праць молодих учених та здобувачів, Переяслав, 17 січня 2023 року. – Переяслав, 2023. – Вип. 2. – С. 7–10. systems of higher education in the countries that are participants of the Bologna process involve an understanding of the role of higher education, higher education institutions, students, academic staff and public partners. The national qualification framework is a key element of higher education in the Federal Republic of Germany and clearly defined. Descriptions of higher education qualifications were developed taking into account both level classification and branch classificationenNational Qualifications FrameworksEuropean communityBologna processGermanyThe National Qualifications Framework In The German Higher Education SystemThesis