Pryimak, DarinaKuzmina, DariaSukhonosov, RomanFomin, VladlenHughes, ZlataFiruzei, RezaStelmakh, Anastasia2023-11-302023-11-302023Embalming: from ancient times to modern medicine / D. Pryimak, D. Kuzmina, R. Sukhonosov [et al.] // European scientific congress : Proceedings of the 1st International scientific and practical conference, Madrid, Spain, 20─22 February 2023. ─ Madrid, 2023. ─ P. 77─83.978-84-15927-34-1 the beginning of time, people have been embalming their bodies, trying to create new methods of preserving dead bodies. Over the years this procedure has been improving and developing as well as actively gaining popularity and attracting scientists and researchers for further investigation.enembalminganatomydead bodysurgery2023аEmbalming: from ancient times to modern medicineThesis