Kozko, VolodymyrBondarenko, AndriyKatsapov, DmytroIurko, KaterynaMohylenets, OlenaGradil, GrigorySokhan, Anton2017-09-152017-09-152017Workbook for practical studies on the course of infectious diseases for the foreign faculty students of the V year of education / V. M. Kozko, A. V. Bondarenko, D. V. Katsapov, K. V. Iurko, O. I. Mohylenets, G. I. Gradil ; Kharkiv National Medical University. – Kharkiv : KNMUpress, 2017. – 145 p.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17355Workbook for practical studies on the course of infectious diseases for the foreign faculty students of the V year of educationeniInfectiousdiseasesWorkbook for practical studies on the course of infectious diseases for the foreign faculty students of the V year of educationWorkbook