Batyuk, LiliyaKizilova, Nataliya2021-06-142021-06-142021-05-17Batyuk L. V. Study of UDD under experimental carcinogenesis / L. V. Batyuk, N. N. Kizilova// 7th international biennial 'Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Meeting' in Ostrava : Book of Abstracts, Programme and General Information (International conference) NanoOstrava 2021, Ostrava, Czech Republic, May 17–20, 2021 / Nanotechnology Centre, CEET, VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava. – Ostrava, 2021. – P. 68. article the protection ability of the ultra-disperse nanodiamonds (UDD) is studied based on the measurements of content of electrolytes in plasma and erythrocytes of Wistar rats with Guerin's carcinoma under conditions of irradiation by 10.0 Gy and use of UDD.en-USelectrolytescarcinomananodiamondsX-rayStudy of UDD under experimental carcinogenesisThesis