Pasiyeshvili, L.Пасієшвілі, Людмила МихайлівнаLitvynova, A.Літвинова, Анастасія МихайлівнаDidenko, K.Діденко, Катерина АндріївнаHadirova, T.Хадирова, Турчан2022-12-142022-12-142022-11-08The role of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in the course of osteoarthritis in patients with obesity / L. Pasiyeshvili, A. Litvynova, K. Didenko, T. Hadirova // Innovative areas of solving problems of science and practice : Proceedings of VII International Scientific and Practical Conference, Oslo, Norway, 8–11 November 2022 / – Oslo, 2022. – P. 313–314. role of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in the course of osteoarthritis in patients with obesityenmetalloproteinase-9osteoarthritisobesitybody mass indexquetelet formulaoverweightThe role of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in the course of osteoarthritis in patients with obesityThesis