Aleksandrova, AlinaKuye Adesegun, Jacobs2021-01-182021-01-182021-01Aleksandrova A. V. Principles of application of nanotechnology in delivery of pharmaceuticals: review and prospects / A. V. Aleksandrova, J. Kue Adesegun // The world of science and innovation : abstracts of the 6th International scientific and practical conference, London, United Kingdom, 14–16 January, 2021 / Cognum Publishing House. – London, 2021. – P. 19–29. is a continued, growing interest in the design and usage of materials in the nanoscale range for resolving medical and health concerns. Nanomedicine science covers a range of fields including drug delivery, development of vaccines, antibacterial disease and diagnosis. Nanoparticles have a substantial unique property, some of which are the ultra-small scale, wide area by density, high reactivity and distinction from other bulk composite materials. These features can be used to resolve some of the shortcomings of current therapeutics and diagnostics ranging from adverse effect to drug interaction with the human body. This review will help us consider certain mechanisms which underline various nanotechnology drug-delivery systems (DDS). These include their pharmacologic, physiological factors together with certain extreme factors that have been combined into the policy of nanotechnology-enabled drug delivery systems and treatments. And as such, nanoparticles-based delivery systems are engineered to protect drugs from deterioration, minimizing the required dosage and dose frequency, maximizing patient safety and convenience which in turn cheapens treatment expenses and cost.ennano medicinedrug delivery systemsPrinciples of application of nanotechnology in delivery of pharmaceuticals: review and prospectsThesis