Uzel, KemineLakhno, Igor2023-04-192023-04-192021-03-16Uzel K. Effect of B-Lynch Suture: Bleeding Control and Asherman’s Syndrome / K. Uzel, I. Lakhno // Journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. – 2021. – Volume 13, Issue 1. – P. 18–21. – DOI: and objective: The study was aimed to investigate possible complications such as intrauterine synechiae following the B-Lynch suture, which was used to control postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). Materials and methods: Our study included 36 patients, which underwent B-Lynch suture due to PPH from 2013 to 2015. Results: Asherman's syndrome was found in 3 (8.3%) of 36 patients who participated in the study. Two patients with Asherman's syndrome had a history of placenta accreta and one patient placenta previa. Conclusion: Compared to procedures that require experiences such as hysterectomy or internal iliac artery ligation, B-Lynch suture is a high-level PPH approach that preserves fertility potential with preventing complications.enAsherman’s syndromeB-LynchfertilityhysteroscopyEffect of B-Lynch Suture: Bleeding Control and Asherman's SyndromeArticle