Myroshnychenko, MykhailoBrodetskyi, IgorDyadyk, OlenaMalanchuk, Vladislav2021-11-122021-11-122021-08Human papilloma virus type 16 expression in pleomorphic adenomas and adjacent tissue of salivary glands / M. Myroshnychenko, I. Brodetskyi, O. Dyadyk, V. Malanchuk // European Journal of Pathology. – 2021. – Vol. 1 (479): Pathology: compass for optimal patient therapy : 33rd European Congress of Pathology (Virtual congress platform). Virchows Archiv, Berlin, Germany, 29–31 August 2021. – Р. 135. papilloma virus type 16 expression in pleomorphic adenomas and adjacent tissue of salivary glandsThesis