Sultan, MohamadКармазина, Ирина СтаниславовнаИсаева, Инна НиколаевнаIsaieva, InnaKarmazina, Iryna2015-11-022015-11-022015-05-12Mohamad Sultan. Variation of activities of different parts of cortex hemispheres and cardiovascular system between males and females during stroop test / Mohamad Sultan, I. N. Isaeva, I. S. Karmazina // Фізіологія медицині, фармації та педагогіці: «Актуальні проблеми та сучасні досягнення» : тези доповідей ІI Всеукраїнської студентської наукової конференції з фізіології з міжнародною участю, Харків, 12 травня 2015 р. – Харків, 2015. – С. 5–6. Our study shows that in females compared to that in males, which can be seen in the mistakes average in females (1.7) and in males (0.8), probably because females tend to act faster (average 25.7 sec) than males (27 sec in average- which is longer in 4.8%), because the HR and BP rise more in females the activity of these cortices is higher and the error rate is higher. 2. The autonomic supply and reactivity of the autonomic nervous system is higher in females as it can be seen by more “effective” results in oculo-cardiac reflex test ,where the HR in females decreases 1.7 times more than males.According to neurophysiology, there is a difference in the levels of the activity of different parts of the cortex hemispheres between males and females, which is manifested by the difference of speed of decision making, and reactivity, accompanied by different levels of physiological changes of some vital signs, such as elevating the heart rate, and blood pressure, as it can be seen in the results of the stroop test.encortex hemispherescardiovascular systemsystolic arterial blood pressurediastolic arterial blood pressureVariation of activities of different parts of cortex hemispheres and cardiovascular system between males and females during stroop testThesis