Riga, OlenaSenatorova, AnastasiyaBoychenko, AlenaKondratova, IrynaVasilyeva, Iryna2013-12-302013-12-302013Fetal haemodinamic and neonatal cerebral circulation in maternal threatened preterm laborg / O. Riga, A. Senatorova, A. Boychenko, I. Kondratova, I. Vasilyeva // Materials of Paediatric Section of European Union of Medical Specialists: Еducational Congress and MasterСourse, Lyon, France, 19–22 September 2013. – Lyon, 2013. – Р. 11.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/5397encerebral hemodynamicsneonatesFetal haemodinamic and neonatal cerebral circulation in maternal threatened preterm laborgThesis