Tishchenko, OksanaGaipnazarov, Mohammad2018-10-182018-10-182018-05Tishchenko O. Treatment Of Temporary Teeth Fibrous Pulpitis Using Medicaments Based On Silicate Tricalcium / O. Tishchenko, M. Gaipnazarov // ISIC-2018 : [International Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference for medical students and young scientists, Kharkiv, 23–25 May, 2018] : abstract book / KNMU. – Kharkiv, 2018. – P. 60–61.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20579entemporary teeth fibrous pulpitissilicate tricalciumTreatment Of Temporary Teeth Fibrous Pulpitis Using Medicaments Based On Silicate TricalciumThesis