Lakhno, IgorReyes-Lagos, José JavierAdam, IshagBrownfoot, Fiona C.2024-06-052024-06-052024-05-29Editorial: The repercussions of maternal inflammation in pre-eclampsia on fetal health and neurodevelopment / I. V. Lakhno, J. J. Reyes-Lagos, I. Adam, F. C. Brownfoot // Front. Immunol. ─ 2024. ─ Vol. 15. ─ P. 1─3.DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1434260 is a crucial and inevitable biological response in humans, playing an essential role in defense against infections and tissue repair. It is known as a basic pathological process. Inflammatory response is involved in the pathogenic scenario of several obstetrical syndromes. The main trigger for maternal inflammation is a disturbed placentation. HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) incompatibility between maternal and fetal tissues significantly influences the risk of preterm birth and pre-eclampsia. Therefore, immune-induced inflammation is a part of pre-eclampsia.enInflammationpre-eclampsiaautonomic nervous systemheart rate variabilityneuroinflammationHLA incompatibility2024аEditorial: The repercussions of maternal inflammation in pre-eclampsia on fetal health and neurodevelopmentArticle