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Item A Study of dental health in workers exposed to occupational vibration(2013) Kashaba, MarinaDental health assessment among workers who are exposed to occupational vibration is a topical dental care issue, as the influence of occupational factors has a systemic character and results in VPS; it requires elaboration of patient-oriented programs for prevention and treatment. The obtained data regarding CPITN indices determine the priority ranking of periodontal diseases prevention in the united system of medical and preventive measures among the persons who are exposed to occupational vibrationItem Assessment of the quality of drinking water consumption by persons working under the influence of electromagnetic(2021-10-20) Марковська, Ірина Володимирівна; Марковская, Ирина Владимировна; Markovska, IrynaAs you know, oral fluid consists of 99.0 - 99.4% of water and 1.0 - 0.6% of dissolved organic mineral salts, which is why an important factor, which affects its properties is the quality and composition of drinking water consumed. Saliva sampling for various types of research is widely used in dentistry because it is a minimally invasive and painless method.The composition of the oral fluid is greatly influenced by the quality of drinking water used by the employees of the press and welding shop of the Kharkiv Tractor Plant. For this purpose, an analysis was carried out among workers and the obtained results were compared with the incidence rates of caries.Item Caries and enamel hypoplasia temporary teeth at children of early age: prevention and treatment(2014) Денисова, Елена Георгиевна; Денисова, Олена Георгіївна; Denуsova, Olena; Соколова, Ирина Ивановна; Соколова, Ірина Іванівна; Sokolova, I.Dental caries in children with enamel hypoplasia extends along the initially affected area with plaque accumulation in the areas of hypoplastic enamel and due to a rapid caries process, poor marginal integrity of filling, secondary cavities. A significant improvement in hygiene index in the group of children who received the probiotic and applied toothpaste with a pronounced remineralizing and antimicrobial action should be noted. This group did not demonstrate increase in dental caries intensity, but increase the intensity of caries surfaces was observed, possibly due to the clinical course of HAS-ECC. Кариес зубов у детей на фоне системной гипоплазии эмали распространяется вдоль всей изначально поврежденной поверхности, происходит скопление зубного налета именно в этих участках гипоплазированной эмали, и как следствие быстрое течения кариозного процесса, неудовлетворительное краевое прилегание пломб, возникновение вторичных кариозных полостей. Необходимо отметить более выраженное улучшение индекса гигиены в группе детей, получавших пробиотик и применявшие зубную пасту, которая оказывает выраженное реминерализирующее и противомикробное действие. В этой же группе отсутствовал прирост интенсивности кариеса зубов, но прирост интенсивности кариеса поверхностей наблюдался, что по нашему мнению объяснялось именно особенностью клинического течения HAS-ECC.Item Changes in MDA and SOD levels in oral fluid of patients of periodontitis with different quercetin drugs(2023-12-09) Khudiakova, MarynaIn the BG after 1 month, MDA amounted to 4,73 ± 0,57 µmol/l (P < 0,05), and with the use of gel with QG amounted to 4,95 ± 0,51 µmol/l (P < 0,05). After 6 months, the MDA increased to 4,81 ± 0,25 µmol/l and 4,86 ± 0,43 µmol/l (P > 0,05), and after 1 year to 4,78 ± 0,33 µmol/l and 4,91 ± 0,55 µmol/l, respectively (P > 0,05). The SOD after 1 month increased to 6,35 ± 0,18 c.u. (P < 0,001) with LQLC and to 5,81 ± 0,21 c.u. (P < 0,001) with the use of QG (P > 0,05). In case of stage initial-I CGP, the SOD decrease up to 5,51 ± 0,18 c.u. (LQLC) and 5,27 ± 0,11 (QG) was registered after 6 months (P > 0,05), and after 1 year - 5,42 ± 0,13 and 5,02 ± 0,13 c.u. accordingly (P > 0,05).Item Characteristics of the oral cavity immunity in the patients oral lichen planus(2017) Елисеева, Ольга Владимировна; Єлісєєва, Ольга Володимирівна; Yeliseyeva, Olga; Соколова, Ирина Ивановна; Соколова, Ірина Іванівна; Sokolova, IrinaSuccessful treatment of the patients with CGP together with OLP according to the worked out scheme is accompanied by restoration of the local non-specific immunity characteristics of the oral cavity such as lysozyme and beta-lysine activity, C3 fragment complement concentration, and also sIgA level normalization just after the end of the course of treatment and in 3 months after the therapy.Item Clinical assessment of the quality of ceramic inlays during orthopedic treatment of patients with defects of hard dental tissues(2017) Томилина, Анастасия Вячеславовна; Томіліна, Анастасія Вячеславівна; Tomilina, AnastasiiaВкладки – це мікропротези, призначення яких відновлювання анатомічної форми зуба, шляхом заповнення собою дефекту в його природній коронці. Подеколи вкладки використовують в якості опорних елементів мостоподібних протезів під час ортопедичного лікування малих за розміром включених дефектів зубних рядів. Застосування для фінішного полірування цементу різними системами виявило клінічну перевагу «SHOFU» проти "Enhance®".Item Clinical use of drugs based on D-glucosamine in the treatment of catarrhal gingivitis(2017-05-24) Колісник, Олена; Kolisnyk, OlenaThe correct choice of a drug based on GAGs for topical treatment of catarrhal gingivitis is an actual problem and requires continuation of the investigation.The goal of our investigation was increase of efficiency and clinical substantiation of the new concept of local treatment of patients with catarrhal gingivitis by using drugs based on D-glucosamine.Item Comparative assessment of the results of success in postgraduate professional training in two observation groups in the ascertainment experiment using project-based learning technology(2024-05-28) Khudiakova, MarynaIt has been proven that the use of project-based learning technology in teaching the TI cycle has a positive effect on the intensification of the professional development of dental listeners and contributes to the formation of professional competencies. In a comparative assessment of the results in the experimental and control groups at the ascertainment experiment were the same.Item Comparative evaluation of hygiene index and PMA index in the treatment of patients with generalized periodontitis(2022-02-25) Khudiakova, MarynaIn this article, have compared the hygienic condition of the oral cavity according to the Fedorov-Volodkin hygiene index and the condition of the gingiva according to the modified PMA index in the treatment of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis with I-II degree of severity using quercetin granule gel and liposomal quercetin-lecithin complex. Clinical examination of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis I-II degrees of severity after 12 months showed that 20% of patients in basic group and 38.8% in comparative group reported a lowering the level of hygiene index Fedorov-Volodkin. A further increase in level of PMA index was observed in 5% of basic group patients and 38.9% of comparative group of patients.Item Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of tooth restoration in patients with chronic periodontitis(2022-02-09) Dolia, E.; Доля, Едуард ІгоровичIn assessing the condition of the restoration material "SPECTRUM" revealed mismatch contours of the tooth and the seal (80 %), the presence of overhanging edges of the material (35%), the surface roughness of the composite (77 %), violation of the edge fit (17 %), no contact point (66 %). Showed increased accumulation of dental plaque, especially in contact points (restoration and the adjacent tooth) and the signs of deterioration of tissues parodontium's.Item Comparative study of effective results for dental listeners of thematic improvement with project-based learning technology on the postgraduate stage of education during the control experiment(2024-01-16) Khudiakova, MarynaIt has been proven that the use of project-based learning technology in teaching the TI cycle has a positive effect on the intensification of the professional development of dental listeners and contributes to the formation of professional competencies. In a comparative assessment of the results of the listeners' performance in the experimental and control groups at the control stage of the experiment, it can be concluded that the EG indicators increased by 0.4 points compared to the controlItem Correction of cytokine misbalance between pro-inflammatory TNF-α and anti- inflammatory IL-4 in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis(Khudiakova M. Correction of cytokine misbalance between pro-inflammatory TNF-α and anti-inflammatory IL-4 in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis / M. Khudiakova // the 6th International USERN Congress and Prize Awarding Festival : abstract, mTalk and poster books, Istanbul, 6th–13th of November 2021. – Istanbul, 2021. – P. 298., 2021-11) Khudiakova, MarynaThe cytokine level of the patients with initial and I degrees of severity in the basic group after six-month treatment was TNF-α - 27,51 ± 2,57 pg/ml, which was 107 % higher than in the C groups and anti-inflammatory ІL-4 - 292,2 ± 20,77 pg/ml, which was 19 % lower than in the C groups. The cytokine level of the patients in the comparison group after six-month treatment was TNF-α - 32,72 ± 3,56 pg/ml, which was 109 % higher than in the C groups and anti-inflammatory ІL-4 - 261,7 ± 16,25 pg/ml, that was 17 % lower than in the C groups.Item Correction of cytokine misbalance between pro-inflammatory TNF-α and anti-inflammatory IL-4 in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis(2021-11-08) Khudiakova, MarynaThe cytokine level of the patients with initial and I degrees of severity in the basic group after six-month treatment was TNF-α - 27,51 ± 2,57 pg/ml, which was 107 % higher than in the C groups and anti-inflammatory ІL-4 - 292,2 ± 20,77 pg/ml, which was 19 % lower than in the C groups. The cytokine level of the patients in the comparison group after six-month treatment was TNF-α - 32,72 ± 3,56 pg/ml, which was 109 % higher than in the C groups and anti-inflammatory ІL-4 - 261,7 ± 16,25 pg/ml, that was 17 % lower than in the C groups.Item Correction of cytokine misbalance in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis of initial-I degrees of severity by means of local application of quercetinum granules and liposomal quercetinum-lecithin complex.(2015-02) Худякова, Марина Борисовна; Khudiakova, Maryna; Рябоконь, Евгений Николаевич; Ryabokon, YevgeniyThe research in question demonstrates lipoflavon capability to normalize misbalance of cytokines in periodontal tissues, thus retarding process of inflammation and destruction of tissues and improving reparation of periodontal structures. High therapeutic efficiency of the liposomal quercetin-lecithin complex for patients with chronic generalized periodontitis, especially that of initial-I degrees of severity was shown to be determined by anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating and periodontoprotecting effects. This allows to recommend lipoflavon for local application as pathogenetically substantiated drug in treatment of generalized periodontitis.Item Correction of the systemic immunity humoral component parameters in patients with generalized periodontitis(2019) Савєльєва, Н.М.; Соколова, І.І.; Savielieva, N.; Sokolova, I.Dynamics of indicators of humoral arm of systemic immunity using complex therapy with the inclusion of immunomodulators in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis of I and II grades of development on giardiasis background was studied. It is established that the developed treatment regimen has a pronounced normalizing effect on the activity of humoral immunity. Under its influence, IgE and CIC levels in blood serum return to normal and the affinity of antimicrobial IgG antibodies increases. The obtained data give grounds to assert that the developed treatment regimen of complex therapy in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis of I and II grades of development on giardiasis background was more effective than conventional treatment.Item Dental status of patients during the supportive care at antineoplastic chemotherapy for breast cancer(2014-09) Sukhina, IrynaTwo groups were studied in a comparative aspect – 98 women with breast cancer during the courses of adjuvant chemotherapy: the first was comprised of 26 patients who used their conventional means for oral hygiene; the second included 72 patients, who received the complex of therapeutic and preventive measures of supportive care. Dental toxicity was observed in 84.6-96.2 %, and has grown with the increase of the cycles of chemotherapy, reaching a maximum value on the V cycle of treatment. It is shown that the application of the developed complex significantly reduces the manifestations of dental toxicity by 1.5 times on the I cycle and by 4.5 times on the VI cycle of chemotherapy.Item Determination of changes in the pathogenicity factors activity of the oral cavity microflora in patients with secondary adentia depending on the tіme of day(2022-01-10) Sokolova, Iryna; Slynko, Yuliia; Mishyna, Maryna; Mozgova, Yuliya; Marchenko, Iryna; Dubovyk, Olena; Gopta, OlenaInvestigation of biological properties in microorganisms remain relevant to the current stage of dentistry development. The aim of this work was to study the adhesive and enzymatic activity of oral microbioma representatives with determination of ability to form biofilms at different times of day The total of 35 patients with partial secondary adentia were involved in the study. Studies in 35 patients who were in the stages of examination and preparation for the dental implantation surgery on partial secondary adentia (included small single or bilateral defects). Ability to form biofilms and the enzymatic activity was studied in Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, Candida Albicans and Hafnia Alvei at 9, 12, 15 and 18 hours. It has been established that the high activity of enzymes and the ability to form biofilm occurs during times when medical manipulations are the most frequently carried out - at 1200 and 1500. The peaks of reduced pathogenicity factors production were recorded at 9.00 and about 18.00. The obtained results can be used for optimal planning of rehabilitation manipulations (dental implantation operations) in the oral cavity in individuals with secondary adentia.Item Dysbiosis of oral cavity in breast cancer patients during adjuvant chemotherapy(Sukhina I. Dysbiosis of oral cavity in breast cancer patients during adjuvant chemotherapy / I. Sukhina, O. Splyukhina // Actual Problems Of Clinical And Theoretical Medicine : Аbstract Book Of Xth International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference Of Young Scientists And Medical Students (Іnternational Scientific Іnderdisciplinary Сongrence – ISIC), Kharkiv, 24–26 may 2017 / KhNMU. – Kharkiv, 2017. – Р. 260–261., 2017-05) Sukhina, Iryna; Splyukhina, OlgaThe toxic effect of chemotherapy has various appearance in the whole organism, and also can be present on the oral mucosa. One of the most significant side- effects of the anticancer therapy is inflammation of mucous membrane - chemotherapy-associated mucositis. There was investigated oral fluid in 26 breast cancer patients stage T1N0M0-T2N1M0 during chemotherapy. The obtained data shows a significant increase of microbial seeding of the oral cavity and reduction of the bactericidal properties of oral fluid in breast cancer patients against the background of adjuvant CTx. This dictates the necessity to develop a pathogenesis-conditioned set of preventive measures for these serious side-effects.Item Effect of a complex containing 1- α hydroxycholi-ccalciferol, antioxidants and calcium phosphate in an antioxidant-free diet and additional local exposure.(2021) Borodach, V.; Shnaider, S.; Savielieva, N.; Zavoiko, D.; Tkachenko, Ye.In experiments on 53 white rats, the protective properties of a complex containing 1αOHD3, antioxidants and calcium phosphate were studied. Modeling of periodontal pathology was carried out under conditions of a common risk factor for the development of periodontitis - peroxidation syndrome and a local factor - dental plaque.Item The effect of a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids with α-tocopherol on the state of periodontal bone tissue in experimental cholesterol atherosclerosis in rabbits.(2021) Shnaider, S.; Niepriakhina, O.; Gorokhivski, V.; Savielieva, N.; Tkachenko, Ye.In experimental cholesterol atherosclerosis, the general mechanisms of free radical damage to the liver and bone tissue of rabbits were revealed. The complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) with α-tocopherol showed angioprotective, antioxidant properties and protection of the bone structures of the periodontium from lipid peroxidation. Angioprotective properties were observed in the complex of PUFA with α-tocopherol. The complex has shown protection of periodontal bone structures from free radical lipid oxidation and antioxidant properties.